What is This Mindfulness? let's know

You probably know how this goes. Your significant other, children, or boss ask, “What did you do all day?” and you just don’t remember. And if you don’t remember what happened today, then remembering what happened yesterday is out of the question.

Do you ever wonder why? No, you don’t have Alzheimer’s or dementia. You have, in a sense, been living life unconsciously. When we are on autopilot doing things mindlessly, without being fully conscious in the awake state where we are in full awareness of ourselves and our environment.

What is This Mindfulness? let's know

Mindfulness is a moment-by-moment practice of being intensely and fully aware, focused, and present. When we are fully conscious of our thoughts, emotions, reactions, motivations, our breathing, the sensations in our bodies, the sights and sounds in our environment, then we are aware of everything about us at any given moment.

Generally speaking, being mindful is practicing to tune in, not out. We use our senses to experience life personally, professionally, and spiritually, and to be focused and able to concentrate in the moment. When we are less driven by habits and reactions, we have the ability to recognize and release unnecessary distractions as they arise. The essence of mindfulness is when we can receive information, pay attention to the here and now, and not try to change what is happening in the moment.